Friday, May 6, 2016

WinTuning v7.2 + Serial

Designed to configure and optimize Windows 7, check the updates of installed programs, get access to more than 80 public and hidden tools of Windows 7, configure the boot, remove junk files from your hard drive, obtain information about your system, diagnose and troubleshoot operating systems and more.
The program allows you to configure the boot / shutdown process, hardware parameters, speed up the Internet connection, change the settings of Windows 7 elements: Desktop, Context menus, Explorer, Taskbar, Start Menu and windows.
The program offers tools to quickly rename files by mask, disk scanning, and automatic shutdown after a specified period of time, edit boot screen, remove unnecessary programs and junk files, check for updates for installed programs.
Includes Clipboard and memory monitoring, allows get access to the information about your operating system, and to numerous built-in utilities of Windows 7
Each tweak has textual tips, and some of them have the image-tips also. It allows you to see the tweak in action.
The program search you hard drive for unnecessary files (cache of browsers, logs, shortcuts of recent documents, temporary files, etc.) makes it possible to free up space on your hard drive. In the utility "Startup Manager" you can safely (it is possible to change it back) disable unnecessary programs that can slow the Windows 7 loading process down.
The program contains the database of Windows 7 utilities, with detailed descriptions and the ability to run from the single window (80 utilities is in the database)
The WinTuning 7 application will allow you to easily customize, optimize, tweak and enhance your Windows 7.
Download link:
Softek Systems™

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