Sunday, October 28, 2018

How To Create A Blog At Blogger | Beginner's Guide

More and more people are now thinking to start their journey in their blogging platform.If you are reading this that means you are one of them.So you have decided ha to take your step into the platform of blogging.

If you want to make most out of your free then you are at a right place.Blogging is a great way to boost your online influence.So if you are looking for how to create a blog than this detailed guide is for you. 

How To Create A Free Blog At Blogger? | 

Beginner's Guide

Creating a free blog using is really easy. I’ll give you few easy instructions and follow them accordingly to start a free blog on blogspot blogging platform.

How to Start a Free Blog at Blogger

Step1 Lets Begin

On your browser go to and then click on CREATE YOUR BLOG to begin with your blog.

Step2  Sign in with your google account

Since is a product by Google, you can easily create a free blog account by signing in with your preferred Gmail account.

After you log in, you’ll be asked to use blogger as your default Google plus profile or if you’d like to continue with a limited profile.

On the next screen, click on “Create your blog” button again to launch your first blog.

Step3 Give Your Blog A Name And Choose A Theme

Enter the name you've chosen for your blog and enter the address that will precede in the URL of your new blog in the fields provided.

For example: Enter My New Blog in the Title field and in the Address field. If the address you enter is unavailable, the form will prompt you for a different, similar address.
You can add a custom domain later. A custom domain replaces in the URL of your new blog.
In the same screen, select a theme for your new blog. The themes are illustrated onscreen. Scroll through the list and pick one for now just to create the blog. You'll be able to browse many additional themes and customize the blog later.
Click on your preferred theme and click the Create blog! button.
 Now u will be prompted for a personalized domain name for your blog.If you want to do this, scroll through the list of suggested domains, view the price per year, and make your choice. Otherwise, skip this option.
You don't need to buy a personalized domain name for your new blog. You can use the free indefinitely.

Step4 Create Your New Blog Post

You're now ready to write your first blog post on your new blog. Don't be intimidated by the empty screen.

Click the Create a New Post button to get started. Type a brief message in the field and click the Preview button at the top of the screen to see what your post will look like in the theme you selected. The Preview loads in a new tab, but this action does not publish the post. 
Your preview may look exactly like you want, or you may wish you could make something bigger or bolder to get attention. That's where formatting comes in. Close the Preview tab and return to the tab where you are composing your post. 
After your typing a new blog click on Publish That's it you are done creating a new blog now you must keep publishing new posts to increase the amount of traffic on your blog 
And also you can approve your adsense account after getting a lot of visitors on your blog to generate your revenue.
You can also check various settings for your blog to give it a unique look

Congrats! Your Blog Has Been Created.


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