Sunday, August 19, 2018

Hamro Patro App Download

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सम्पूर्ण नेपालीको लागि एउटै एपः "हाम्रो पात्रो" (Hamro Patro) – अब लोकप्रिय रेडियो तथा अडियो सामाग्रीहरू लिएर 'हाम्रो अडिओ' (Hamro Audio) सहित प्रस्तुत छ एउटा अद्वितीय डिजिटल स्वरूपको पात्रो जसका कारण तपाइले नेपाल सम्बन्धि महत्वपूर्ण घटना, चाडबाड, उत्सव, कर्मकाण्डी रीति-तिथी आदि केहि पनि छुटाउनु पर्नेछैन । अनेक रंग, वर्ण, जात-जाति, भेष-भूषाले सजिएको नेपाली पहिचानमा तपाइको आफ्नै भूगोल, संस्कार, उत्सव तथा ताजा खबरहरूसंगको सामिप्यताकालागि तपाइलार्इ जोडि राख्नेछ "हाम्रो पात्रो" ले । एउटा पात्रो भन्दा बढि तपाइको दैनिक जीवनमा तत्काल आवश्यक आइपर्ने अनेक जानकारीकालागि मनमिल्ने मित्र "हाम्रो पात्रो" । विशेषताहरूः * नेपाली चाडबाडका विशेष र्इ-कार्डहरू (Nepali Festival, Ecards) * नेपाली चाडबाड तथा संस्कृतिबारे अरू थुप्रै जानकारी (Nepali Culture & Festival) A multicultural Nepali calendar which presents each and every Nepali festivals, cultural events, forex rates, FM radios, prompt updates of world news, reviews, blogs, date converter, gold silver rates, daily horoscopes, podcasts and daily horoscopes. Hamro Patro is a comprehensive Nepali mobile companion which spreads smiles into its users through simplifying their lifestyle and daily necessities. With its strategic partnerships among market leading Nepali news and social portals, BBC Nepali service, Radio stations and TV stations, Hamro Patro is a mobile window which presents a 360 degree view of Nepal and Nepali lifestyle wherever you are? A common mobile companion over Millions of Nepali screens. Now with 'Material Design' serving you Weather forecast, daily quotes, favorite audios, daily newspapers and several other features. 1) NEPALI PATRO a) Platform which assimilates current Tithis, important days for next 100 years to come. b) Upcoming events and information c) Panchanga d) Nepal Sambat, Newa Calendar e) Adequate information on Nepali festivals and cultures f) Date converter BC to AD and vice versa 2) NEPALI FM RADIOS a) Listen to 100’s of your favorite Nepali radio stations b) Effective radio player, FM radios contact details, program details and their logo’s c) Easy to create personalized radio lists 3) NEWS UPDATE a) Breaking news worldwide b) Most preferred online news portal in Nepal Ujyaalo, Onlinekhabar, Annapurnapost, BBC Nepali, Pahilopost, Ratopati, Rajdhani Daily, Thaha Khabar, Swasthya Khabar (Health), Himal Khabar, Baahrakhari (12Khari), Image Khabar, News24 (News24TV Nepal), Aarthik Abhiyan, Lokantar, Bizmandu, Aakarpost, Living with ICT, Nepali Patra, Nepal Khabar, Nepali Paisa etc. c) Important breaking news directly in your mobile screen. d) Read similar news 4) HAMRO AUDIO a) Listen to Nepali Audio Podcast on festivals and events b) Most listened radio contents in Nepal c) Daily Kayakairan (Most listened news content) and Nepal Khabar e) Novel, story, Poem, songs, Gazal and several other audios. 5) FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATE a) Forex rate determined by Nepal Rastra Bank. c) Forex converter 6) GOLD & SILVER PRICE Determined by Nepal Gold silver business association 7) HOROSCOPES | ZODIAC Get daily Horoscopes / Zodiac update 8) BLOG LITRETURE a) Art literature, Health and Entertainment contents with audio b) To send your write-ups and creations do send it to 9) APP WIDGETS a) Customized colored widgets to be used differently b) 1*1 smaller widgets, 4*1 today date widget, 4*2month widget and FM radio widget too.

Hamro Patro App Download

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