Thursday, November 1, 2018

5 Bad Tech Habits That You Must Get Rid Of | Technology Facts

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In today's article, I will share with you some bad tech habits that you must get rid of.

Everyone knows interesting facts about technology and are familiar with those but there are some tech habits that you must really get rid of.
Technology is growing at an uneven rate thus making our life easier.

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So let me tell you about the 5 tech habits that you must get rid of.

5 Bad Tech Habits That You Must Get Rid Of | Important Technology Facts

1.Keeping the Same Password For All Accounts

Everyone keeps the same password for all their accounts and in such case, if one of your accounts gets compromised then it may affect the rest of your accounts too. Now you will say that how to remember all the passwords?

Yes, It's a right quest we all are human beings and not a robot to remember all passwords. To do so you can use a password manager app that lets you store your passwords securely these apps are safe including the master passwords for the app.

2. Not Keeping Backup Of Your Data

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Data is the main thing for all the user today having any snaps of family & friends, important files and documents etc. The thing is that if your hard disk or sd card gets corrupted or you delete your data accidentally then you can always have a backed up content with you. If you are an office person and want to store your important files & documents then you can use an external hard disk to maintain all your data safely also you can use the Google's product i.e. google drive to store your data on the cloud platform.

3.Not Maintaining Your Privacy Online

Privacy is a great concern towards people these there is no much privacy maintenance. If you are offline then only your privacy is safe but once you are online your privacy is gone forsake.

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You must also not let other people let know about your live updates. Today many of us share our live update such as where we are going, with whom we are and where we are. Also not tell about your family members & your loved ones.

4. Not Signing Out Of Application Not Needed

Always you must have a habit of signing out of application not needed.People having access to your phone may misuse such application not  talking about family members.But what if your phone gets stolen one day all of your data has been gone and all of your signed in the application such as financial applications are prone to get your account compromised.You can have your phone locked but if your phone is used by all your family than lock is no need as family members may require in an emergency.

5. Not Updating Your Apps

Updating your apps is an important thing and every user must do it as update brings to you new features and bugs fixed. There are some people out there who are not updating their apps on regular basis and have all app update notification pending in their notification bar.
Updating your apps makes it more efficient to use and bug fixes help in fixing the issues the application had earlier.


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