Friday, April 5, 2019

How To Fix Blogger Counting Its Own Views? | Solution (100% Working)

Are you fed up of blogger counting on its own views you might have seen that whenever you visit your own post in your browser blogger counts the views even though there is an option to stop blogger counting on its own views it doesn't work properly?

Since many bloggers out there do not want the blogger to track their own views so that even a low visit from their side does not affect the blogger stats.

So is there any way to stop this thing?
Yes, of course, there is a perfect solution where you can stop blogger counting on its own views. 

The best option provided in the blogger dashboard is to set the option that can be done by following these steps.
Go to your Blogger Dashboard and click on Stats tab and then from the overview section click on "Manage to track your own pageviews" as shown below

You shall be now taken to a new tab with the URL like
Now you have to check the box that says "Don't track my views for this blog.", and after doing all this it is supposed to stop the tracking of views but it does not work for some browsers. You can check by refreshing your browser and visiting any of your post if it's still counting it seems to be not working.

Now to do this all you need to do is just add a stop tracking cookie to your browser so whenever your blog loads the server knows that your browser has not to be tracked for views.

What's the Error??

The error is with where the cookie is set when you go to the options page that lets you choose if you want the blog to stop tracking your page views. 

The URL is:

A cookie named "_ns" with a value of "2" is supposed to be set on blog address, but due to an error on the Blogger system the cookie is only set on the /b whereas it is supposed to be set on the "/" path which signifies that it must work on every page of your blog, but due to the error it is not.

Is there any way to fix this?

Yes, all you will need to do is add the cookie manually because of blogger options not working properly.

So to do this simply copy the below code into your clipboard

function createCookie(name,value,days) {
if (days) {
var date = new Date();
var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString();
else var expires = "";
document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/";

createCookie("_ns", "2", 999);

The above code will create a cookie with the entered values in createCookie("_ns", "2", 999);, you do not need to understand anything about this for it work, the only thing you might be interested in the number of days this cookie will be valid for, in the code we have set it to 999 days, after that the cookie will be removed itself from the browser. You can set the value as per your choice higher or lower if you like.

After that, you've copied the code you need to open javascript console to run the code. For every browser, the method is different to open the console.

Below I have provided methods to open javascript console in chrome and firefox


One simple way to do is just right click on any of the blank page and then right click and select inspect element and then open console tab and paste the code you've copied and hit enter. Another way to open console using shortcut keys is Ctrl + Shift + J and you will have your console opened. If you are using mac simple use cmd + option + J.

You can see the screenshot below

After that paste the code in place hit enter and that's it. The cookie has now been set and until it expires or is manually removed by clearing cookies off your browser.  After this from now on blogger will not count your page-views when you access your blog from the browser.

Mozilla FireFox 

 To open the console in firefox just right click and select inspect element or just use the shortcut keys Ctrl + Shift + K on windows and cmd + option + K. Now you have to paste the code into the console tab and hit enter.

See the below screenshot

Safari Browser

Just right-click on the develop menu and click on show javascript console or If you don’t see the Develop menu in the menu bar, choose Safari > Preferences, click Advanced, then select “Show Develop menu in menu bar.

That's it guys I have told you how to fix blogger tracking its own page views. Please take a note that some browsers have an automatic clear cookie on exit don't forget to disable it in browser settings.

How To Fix Blogger Counting Its Own Views? | Solution (100% Working)

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