Friday, November 2, 2018

Top Rare Technology Facts You Must Know | Interesting Tech Facts

Hello Folks
Today I'm gonna tell you some rare facts about technology that you must know. Everyone watches creators on youtube making video on technology facts which looks very interesting. So today I will tell such some of the top rare technology facts that you must know.

Top Rare Technology Facts You Must Know | Interesting Tech Facts

1. On Facebook, you can block anyone but not Mark Zuckerburg Since he is the founder of Facebook. Why would he be blocked isn't it?

Image result for mark zuckerberg facebook

2. Did you know that email existed before the world wide web? Means even before the internet would appear people used to send emails.

3. The first website that appeared on the internet is still working. It does not seem to be fascinating kind of as it contains all text and hyperlink.

Image result for first website on the internet

4. The red fox that you see in the logo of Mozilla Firefox browser is no not actually a fox but a red panda. The English word for the red panda is firefox.
Image result for top rare facts about technology 2018 firefox panda

5. Everyone must be knowing the Bill Gates the founder of Microsoft. He was a college dropout because he would rather like making his own things then going for further studies.

Image result for bill gates

6. Only 25% percent of the people in the world type well without looking at their keyboard. Are you one of them? Let me know in the comment section.

7. The majority of the traffic on the internet is not generated by humans instead of by bots and malware. Such a strange thing isn't it.

8. Did you know? you cannot reverse a bitcoin transaction. Since its a cryptocurrency and once sent money may not be achieved back until and unless the user is a kind one.

9.The most annoying fact that is to be careful while using your mobile phones it contains 18 times more bacteria than toilet handles.

10. The entire data available in the world can be stored in 4gms of DNA.So much capacity the DNA consists of, isn't it?

Do let me know if you liked the top rare technology facts.


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